Callisia Repens 

Callisia Repens is also known as Turtle vine, Creping Inch plant, Boilvian Jew is a creeping plant originated from America. This creeping plant is an evergreen perennial attractive succulent spreads very fast and looks like a mat. It bears showy white flowers.

Callisia Repens does well in moist, well drained soil. Grows well in semi shade but can also be grown in full sun but avoid afternoon scorching sun. Turtle vine grows up to 30 cm height and has a very good spreading and trialing habit. Leaves are smooth, oval with green top and purple to bronze in the bottom.

Callisia Repens
    Callisia Repens

Callisia Repens is known for its invasive (fast spreading) habit, so do not mix or plant with other creeping plants as it can easily cover /over take them. To arrest them in a specific place you need to trim them now and then.

Callisia repens does not ask for much water and fertilizer – you can water them once a week but do not make it sit in water – it will rot them but at the same time see to it that the soil is not completely dry.

Creeping Inch plant can be used in container/pots, as ground cover, in hanging basket, in rock  garden. They are quiet allergic to pets.

Callisia Variegata
           Callisia Variegata

You have variegated varieties too. All Callisia varieties require the same growing conditions.


Propagation is by tip cuttings.



happy gardening……………………………………………..