Aloevera variegate –

Aloevera variegate is also called as Partridge Breast Aloe and Tiger Aloe. Native of Namibia and South Africa, their leaves are  dark-green  and may even be brown. Leaves are variegated, leaf surfaces are smooth but a distinctive ridge is present on the lower leaf surface. Leaf margins are have tiny teeth.

Flowers are relatively large and inflorescence color vary from light pink to red and sometimes yellow too. Flowers are seen from June to September end.

Aloevra Variegata  can be  grown either indoors or outdoors. Aloe variegata is a easy plant  to grow, and  with minimum  care, will live for many years. They can grow up to 12”in height and 9”wide.

Tiger Aloe
         Tiger Aloe

Tiger Aloe’s are a spectacular addition to rock garden landscape and they also fill color in container gardens.

Aloe Variegate likes bright sun light and well drained soil. Moderate water requirement and see to it that the top soil is dried before the next watering. Excess of watering or if the soil is too damp Aloe variegate is prone to root rot.

Fertilize them with liquid fertilizers that too half the strength mentioned on the package label.

Mature Tiger Aloe produces baby Aloe at its edges and they can be pulled out and grown as an individual one.

Aloevera variegate does not have any medicinal value.

happy gardening…………………………………………..