Garden tools that every body should know………
If you choose a right garden tool, it makes your work easier, whether you are digging, pruning, spraying, watering etc., Garden tools comes in shapes, sizes, manual, electrical….Choose the right…
Annuals Perennials Biennials Shrubs Trees Bulbs (more…)
When to water garden/Pots
When to water garden/pots The best time to water plants is usually in the early morning, both to maximize the effectiveness of water used and to promote overall plant growth.…
Know About Your Garden Soil
It is basic to know which type of soil you have in your garden this will help you in maintenance of your plants in the sense, which type of manure/fertilizers…
Duranta repens(Variegata)
Rich variegated foliage, small vibrant flowers, and attractive fruit . Attracts hummingbirds and butterflies. (more…)
Duranta Alba or Duranta white
A fast growing shrub, Duranta ‘Alba’ can become a large shrub and pruning may be necessary to keep in shape. Cascading white flowers appear. Fruit that turns yellow in late…
Duranta Variegata
This shrub or small tree may be grown in a mixed or shrub border. Flowers in shades of sky-blue, lilac, purple, or white blossom gracefully along arching branches in summer;…
Duranta goldiana
Duranta Goldiana or Golden Duranta Adding Duranta can brighten any landscape and it does make a gorgeous edge or hedge plant. For a formal look, feel free to prune it.…
Acalypha Red variegated
Acalypha wilkesiana ,Acalypha hispida,Acalypha -Ceylon
Acalypha godseffiana or Nuda green. Acalypha Hispida or fox tail Acalypha Acalypha wilkesiana ceylon.