I am glad to intimate that the stuff you have supplied so far, is well received by the members of my family. The aloeveragel is fine and has given good result of smooth and shiny skin. The Massage oil is received only yesterday and is tried by me for hip pain and muscular contractions. I feel it is acting quickly. Let me try for some more time and report to you. The tulsi tea which is used by my son, has helped him to come over throat infection and his general health shows good improvement. the face pack and body wash are used by my daughter who underwent chemo therapy etc for cancer problem. Her whole body had tarnished and it is showing good improvement on using your product. Congrats.
Krishnamurthy surya
Tulsi herbal tea, My personnel experience I felt it is very good as a general tonic as well as I noticed circulatory improvement and general well being. I recommend to all whom I know. I recommend to use it as a daily beverage.
– Dr.Lalitha Badami, Bengaluru
Tulsi herbalteais has stopped phelgm formation.i have it 2timesaday.
-Malicka, Chennai
I intend buying your products regularly. In fact, more than the self consumption I distribute the Tulsi t among all my friends and acquaintance who have reported great health benefits and would like to continue consuming. Please explore the possibility.
-Ramesh Baliga, karwar
I am really happy with the product( body wash powder) . My skin has become very smooth. Thank you very much.
As I told you earlier , I would like to order aloevera gel.
Anupama.M.K, Bangalore
To Place order please e-mail to mygardendiary.in@gmail.com
26 Comments Already
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Can I get the tea in Canada and U.S.A.?
Respected Sir,
Pls check email.
We are working on best possible way to send it abroad.
We will come back to you shortly.
Thanks for the inquiry.
I would like to know the price of the product. Since I am living in chikmagalur is it possible to courrier the product. So send a price list.
Thanking you.
Namaskar !
Thank you for your interest in our Products.
I have sent you a detailed mail.
Dear Mr Shashikumar
I am satisfied with your product herbal tea.
Pl let me know the price of Aloevera juice so that i
can place my order.
d n chopra
The opinion you sought about the medicines you supplied, will be sent in a week. Usage for some more days is necessary. As of now, there is very good opinion by users, based on their usage. Also I shall give you a brief about the persons, their heath points etc.
I am a stern believer of Ayurveda and I use these medicines since my childhood. Great Ganapathi Battar, was the asthana vaidyar of King of Thanjavur and I hail from his family.
Blessings for your happy and prosperous future. Kindly let me know the result of your efforts.
Yours, Krishnamurthi
Tulsi Herbal Tea – Excellent. The taste and the aroma is very good. Regarding it’s health benefits I think I need to use it for another couple of days to give my feedback.
Herbal Body Wash – Good, this body wash acts as body wash as well as body scrub. I can feel the softness of my skin after using it. But the aroma and color of the product could have been much more better.
Vani Mahadev.
I am happy with the Tulasi tea. Can you also send Herbal Body Wash, and would be interested how the ingredients are useful for the body.
Change of Address:
Global R&D Center: Napier Healthcare Solutions (India).Ltd,
I need to know cost of TULSI Tea. I am interested as I live in Bangalore
Respected Madam,
A detailed mail has been sent to you.
Jayasudha Udipi
11:53 PM (7 hours ago)
to me
Dear Mr. Shashikumar,
Received the parcel and today have sent money by RTGS to the account you have mentioned.
The herbal tea is truly invigorating. A big thumbs up from me. Thanks a lot.
Keep the good work going.
With best wishes,
Sudha Udupi.
Doreen Murphy-Doucette
4:14 PM (2 hours ago)
to me
Many thanks! I look forward to receiving the package. The Tulsi tea is Wonderful 🙂
usha sailaja
6:31 PM (1 hour ago)
to me
Hello Shashi kumar ji,
I have been using tulsi tea for a while and reaping the benefits too..I have sinusitis but i can conveniently forget that as i dont get a stuffy nose at all after using tulsi tea along with other dietary precautions also(no cool things etc)…it may aid weight loss but i am still waiting for that to happen(i know this tea alone will not cut all the fat 😉 )Even my 7 year old daughter likes to have it occasionally(i dont know whether i can give her or not)
Coming to the point now, please send the product list and i also want to know about the kashayam to prevent swine flu as it is very much prevalent in mumbai now.Please send the details soon
Thanks & Regards,
Geetha Rani
11:21 AM (5 minutes ago)on 23/07/2015
to me
Dear sir
Thank u very much. Recited all the products ordered.
1. Enjoyed Tulsi tea with lime and stevie. Wow. …It was great . I have become ur permanent customer.
2. Aloevera gel was completely out of the world. The smell texture was totally different. We do not get such quality in chennai. I will share with my friends on this.
3. Used the oil. Yet to notice the difference. It will take some time to share the same.
Once again I thank u and GOD for introducing me to u. Tell me the amt to send u by NEFT and the details of your bank account.
The Tulasi Tea, Alovera Juice you have supplied is extremely tasty. I am using past 10 to 12 months and am feeling very comfortable and very active. The whole family has shifted to Tulasi Tea along with Lime we have stopped the regular tea. Even our Guests like it and have referred them your address. We are getting the benifit out of it, No acidity, lazyness etc.
Respected Sir,
Thanks for the feed back.
from: M J Prasad
to: Garden Diary
date: Tue, Feb 9, 2016 at 8:47 AM
subject: Vajimed granules – helping for prostate enlargement problem also
Dear Mr.Shashikumar, Namasthe. I am using vajimed granules twice a day after food with milk. It is working. Earlier I had some urinary problem (some difficult in passing urine) and for that using “URAL BPH” capsules. I am a diabetic 68 yrs. Just a little candy in Vajimed won’t effect diabetes as some medication for diabetes will be there. Now I have discontinued URAL BPH. Vajimed is helpful for urinary problem also. I wanted to share it with your subscribers. I am a follower of Sri.JV Hebbar.
With regards, M J Prasad.
Vijayalakshmi Swaminathan
3:16 PM (25 minutes ago)
to me
Dear Sir
Am happy with Sthoullyahara churna. A combination of the churna, healthy eating and a change in life style is helping me. I have higher energy levels, immunity seems to have gone up and am losing weight.
Please send me your products list with the amounts..can you please tell me how long it’s will take to deliver them in Goa.can I also get your contact number.
Respected Madam,
A detailed mail has been sent to you.
Thanks and Regards,
Please can you ship your products to either the USA or Nigeria. I have read several testimonies but my problem is how to access the products.
From Louise Saith,
Dear Mr. Shashikumar,
I did not bother to write to you again since you told me you had such a back log of emails… I love your products and mainly your approach. They look and feel very authentic. Since I am not really sick and not obese – I am only an elderly lady of 74 – I cannot say much about their curative properties… Nonetheless, I think they are great products and I need to know more about their usage. Marketing is a long way ahead…
The tea – Tulsi Plus – is great and very tasty…
I love very much the churna… This is a product of great future…
Amla powder? Is hard to take… Does not taste good… I mix it with dates and other things. What is it good for…
The body wash is also great but perhaps a bit hard to market…
I will order soon some more churna…because I really love it but you have to tell me more about its composition.
Thanks and best regards…
I want to take Tulasi dip tea bags (50no.s) bag Rs.180/-
Mail sent
Dear Sir,
Thanks for the order. Received amount. Will be dispatched tomorrow and intimated to you.