I am glad to intimate that the stuff you have supplied so far, is well received by the members of my family. The aloeveragel is fine and has given good result of smooth and shiny skin. The Massage oil is received only yesterday and is tried by me for hip pain and muscular contractions.  I feel it is acting quickly. Let me try for some more time and report to you.  The tulsi tea which is used by my son, has helped him to come over throat infection and his general health shows good improvement. the face pack and body wash are used by my daughter who underwent chemo therapy etc for cancer problem. Her whole body had tarnished and it is showing good improvement on using your product. Congrats.
Krishnamurthy surya

Tulsi herbal tea, My personnel experience I felt it is very good as a general tonic as well as I noticed circulatory improvement and general well being. I recommend to all whom I know. I recommend to use it as a daily beverage.

– Dr.Lalitha Badami, Bengaluru

Tulsi herbalteais has stopped phelgm formation.i have it 2timesaday.

-Malicka, Chennai

I intend buying your products regularly. In fact, more than the self consumption I distribute the Tulsi t among all my friends and acquaintance who have reported great health benefits and would like to continue consuming. Please explore the possibility.

-Ramesh Baliga, karwar

 I am really happy with the product( body wash powder) . My skin has become very smooth. Thank you very much.
 As I told you earlier , I would like to order aloevera gel.
Anupama.M.K, Bangalore

To Place order please e-mail to mygardendiary.in@gmail.com

To know more about Tulsi Herbal tea